Share Your Thoughts: Where Is Your Favorite Place On Campus?
According to Niche, DePauw is currently (2021) ranked 19th out of 35 schools for Best College campuses in Indiana and 636th out of 1408...
Faculty Influences DePauw’s Rank as the 35th Best Liberal Arts Institution
Senior Sophie Hensley said the sole reason she decided to choose anthropology as her major was because of the impact professor Clark Sage had...
Reimagining DePauw’s Future Together
DePauw plans to examine the following points: diversity and equity, sustainability and COVID-19 policies. On Thursday, Feb. 18, President White and the Strategic Planning...
Incubator Program At DePauw
Students and alumni are looking to the future, building their own DePauw Innovations incubator. Life after school is a challenge and finding jobs has...
Share Your Thoughts: Transitioning Back Into Fully Remote Students
First-year Enoch Chen chose to stay home in Taiwan this semester. Chen is a DePauw School of Music student and intends to major in...
Marvin's No Longer a DePauw Tiger
91% of 150 DePauw students believe that eating at Marvin’s, the small restaurant located right off campus, enhances their “DePauw experience” according to a...
Original or Remix: Ariana Grande’s 34+35
Ever since Ariana Grande released her album Positions last October, some songs on the tracklist have received more buzz than others, especially the album’s...
Claire Keefe: Every Point Counts
It was March 7, 2020. Days before the entirety of campus was sent home. The DePauw women’s basketball team hosted Loras College in Neal...
Embracing, Understanding & Amplifying the Black Voices of DePauw
To kick off Black History Month, alumni held a zoom panel discussion on Wednesday, Feb. 10 entitled “Embracing, Understanding & Amplifying the Black Voices...
Bitcoin 101: What is a Bitcoin?
Currently, the price of Bitcoin, the cost of buying and selling as an investment, is at $47,317. Compare that to last March, where the...