Tenzer Director Search Committee Continues to Look for Right Candidate

The search committee in charge of finding a director for the upcoming Tenzer Technology Center is still looking for someone to hire after almost...

Tensions run high at final faculty meeting

The tension was thick between DePauw faculty and President Mark McCoy during the beginning of the December faculty meeting on Monday. Two professors said...

Swastika tiles will be covered up

As a response to the swastika tiles found during last summer’s renovation, the foyers in Asbury Hall will be renovated to hold bulletin boards. President...

It's not what you think: students face-off against mental health issues

At a White House conference in 2013, President Barack Obama said, “We whisper about mental health issues and avoid asking too many questions. The...

Due Process of Drinking

  Law enforcement worries about high risk student drinkers Binge drinking on DePauw’s campus has increased from 56 to 65 percent from 2008 to 2016, while...

Formal Recruitment Registration Numbers Surprisingly Low

Only 75 of 302 first-year women are currently registered for 2018 Panhellenic Association Recruitment. The Jan. 14 deadline for formal recruitment is approaching quickly...

World’s first robot citizen set for next Ubben Lecture

Dr. David Hanson and his robot Sophia will be the next speakers in the Ubben Lecture Series. Their lecture will take place in Kresge...

PCCM and McDermond Centers searching for new directors

DePauw has big plans for the many resource centers across campus in the future. For now, they are looking to add new directors to...

Follow the money and see where it goes: DePauw seniors investigate...

Five DePauw University seniors have begun a change.org petition campaign, urging Board of Trustee members to end their support of politicians whom they say...

Security requirement meant to keep students safe

Fraternities are now required to have a security team present on high-risk weekends such as Monon Bell and Little 5. The policy has seen...