Steam leakages prompt installation of new pipeline system
Since the beginning of the Spring semester, the condensate and steam leaks have become apparent throughout the campus, leading DePauw University to implement a...
How to Talk Business in Golf
On Sept. 4, the “No Harm in Charm” workshop, a McDermond Center’s program. was hosted in The Percy L. Julian Science and Mathematics Center....
Current DePauw students break into IT business
ITS For You, a student run technology services company, held a ribbon cutting for a new office space on Thursday. The office space is to...
Center for Diversity and Inclusion announces interim director
The Center for Diversity and Inclusion finds its interim director in Dr. Karin Wimbley. Wimbley’s new position was announced last Wednesday in an email...
President White poses plan to create three reimagined schools at DePauw...
By Abigail McArthur-Self and Olivia Jennings
On March 16 at 3:01 p.m., President Dr. Lori White officially announced DePauw’s “Strategic Plan,” for the upcoming years....
The scholar on celebrities, Anne Helen Petersen, returns to DePauw
The current academic queen of star studies is coming to DePauw on April 5 at 8 p.m. in the U.B. Ballroom. Her name is Anne Helen Petersen.
DePauw receives $14 million in donations toward 2020 plan
After meeting in Florida last weekend for the annual DePauw University's Board of Trustees meeting, President Brian Casey announced that the university has accepted...
Starbucks to bring bucks to Greencastle?
Eli's Books, DePauw's brand new book store which features a Starbucks coffee shop, is currently under construction in downtown Greencastle and set to open...
Hubbard Center brings new tips, programs
The year has just begun, and already the Hubbard Center has started working with students. The Kathryn F. Hubbard Center for Student Engagement is...
Clery Act requires public crime reports
The recent Penn State scandal, which includes reports of alleged sexual assault in 2002 by former assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky, may violate the...