Easy DIY costumes for Halloween 2014

Members of National Panhellenic and National Pan-Hellenic councils played with  kids from the community during the annual Greek Street Trick-or-Treat.  ABBY  MARGULIS /...

WGRE column: Keep kind with Kindness

Two years ago, I found myself in a London record store called Rough Trade West. The walls were decorated with album covers...

Netflix horror movie as bad as expecting

Since I knew Halloween was coming up, I asked a friend earlier this week to recommend a horror film on Netflix. He quickly responded...

Professor of the Week: Art history professor Pauline Ota

Art history professor Pauline Ota. AUSTIN CANDOR / THE DEPAUW This week, The DePauw Features had the opportunity to sit down...

DePauw Hillel's sukkah sheds light on Jewish holiday of Sukkot

Hillel's sukkah stands in Holton Memorial Quad in obserance of Sukkot. TYLER MURPHY / THE DEPAUW Though Peace Camp has packed...

Greisy Genao: An insider’s perspective of the Coming Out Monologues.

The DePauw (TDP): You were a part of the Coming Out Monologues, so what did you perform? Greisy Genao (GG): I performed poetry...

Inclement weather doesn't stop Peace Camp from educating students

Students gather during lunch to hear  Professor Brett O'Bannon speak during Peace Camp. SAM CARAVANA / THE DEPAUW Nestled...

Scheduling mishaps leave out Jewish, Muslim groups

A week ago today DePauw was getting ready for one of the biggest events of the year, Old Gold, an event which crowns kings,...

New Flying Lotus, SBTRKT highlighted on WGRE

For most students, this school week kicked off like most: stooping out of bed with droopy eyes, an impenetrable state of slothfulness,...

Professor of the Week: Philosophy professor Ashley Puzzo

A new professor in the Philosophy department, Ashley Puzzo, couldn’t be any more excited to start teaching at DePauw. He went to...