DePauw and Wabash couples



Madi and Dylan

1. How did you meet?

We actually met for the first time through a mutual friend when we TP-ed a kids’ house when we were freshmen in high school. He changed schools that summer, and we didn’t stay in contact. Then his junior year he transferred to my high school, and we remet at a Friday night football game. This upcoming Monday, the 17, will be our two-year mark, so that’s kind of exciting. We started dating in 2012. 

2. How is long-distance treating you?

The distance thing is going really well. Last year we were five hours apart, which is a pain, but easily manageable. With that being said, it is so great to have him only 30 minutes away this year. It is nice that we have our own lives and are both so heavily involved in our campuses. I am on the board of directors at D3TV, am in the Alpha Chi Omega sorority on campus and play club volleyball. He is a member of the Varsity basketball team and involved in many philanthropies on campus. I love that the two of us are able to do our own thing but also able to see each other when we need to.

3. Do you see each other more at DePauw or Wabash?

We try to share who goes where equally. It really just depends on our busy schedules and what is going on.

4. What colors will you be wearing on Saturday?

I will absolutely be wearing black and gold on Saturday! I will be sitting on the DePauw side with my friends but also helping Dylan with our joint philanthropy event we are collaboratively working on for Monon. 



Katie & Dalton

1. How did you meet?

 I’m from Massachusetts but a lot of my family lives in Crawfordsville. One of my cousins wrestled with him all through high school, so he’s a family friend. We started talking more when my aunt told me he was going to Wabash and, since I stayed here at DePauw during the summer, we realized we really liked each other and started dating. We’ve been dating for six months.

2. How is long-distance treating you?

The distance isn’t bad because we can still see each other pretty much every weekend.

3. Do you see each other more at DePauw or Wabash?

I definitely go there more. I live in a sorority, so he can’t spend the night here. It’s usually easier for me to stay at Wabash.  

4. What colors will you be wearing on Saturday?

 I am definitely going to be wearing DePauw colors! And I plan to rub it in when we win. Tigers beat Little Giants any day.




Allison & Joey

1. How did you meet?

I was working on campus this summer, and he was working in the Putnam Country prosecutor’s office here in Greencastle.  I was living with a group of girls in the duplexes, and one of my roommates was also working at the prosecutor’s office with him and she introduced us. We started dating in July, so it’s been just over three months.

2. How is long-distance treating you?

It can be difficult not being able to see him almost every day like most couples that go to the same school, but we make it work.  Since we are able to text and call all the time, it doesn’t make the distance seem so bad.  I can usually go over to see him about every other weekend, which can give me something extra to look forward to during those weeks, and I’m lucky because that is not nearly as hard as some of my friends who have to wait months to see their boyfriends back home.

3. Do you see each other more at DePauw or Wabash?

He will come here to visit sometimes or take me out to dinner when we have a chance, but it usually works out that I go there.  But that works perfectly for me because it lets me get away from Greencastle for just a tiny bit and have some more dining options beyond Casa and Marvin’s, though I still love both of them.  Besides, since I live in a sorority house, it’d probably be weird for him to be around so many girls, just kidding.

4. What colors will you be wearing on Saturday?

I will of course be sporting the black and gold and cheering just as loud for us to bring back the bell!  This is the year! And who wouldn’t want the bragging rights?



Claire & Brandon

1. How did you meet?

I went to visit my R.A. because she was in a play at Wabash, and I met him there.  After the show I was walking out of the parking lot and I decided to ask him if he went to Wabash to apologize that he went there. He walked away but then ran up to my car and asked for my number. His phone was dead so he gave me his. We have been together for six and a half months.

2. How is long-distance treating you?

I actually like it a lot because there’s this element of separation that has to happen, so we have the opportunity to hang out with our own friends and be indepedndent while still being in a relationship. I’ve seen a lot of bad ones on campus, so I’m pretty lucky to have ours the way it is.

3. Do you see each other more at DePauw or Wabash?

It’s about even I’d say.

4. What colors will you be wearing on Saturday?

Definitely black and gold, but I have a press pass, so I’m gonna be wearing a green jacket while doing that so I don’t get beat up by the Wabash fans.