WGRE Monon Playlist

Every year, the DePauw men's football team gears up for one of the longest college football rivalries in history: The Monon Bell. This weekend, we will be cheering the Tigers to victory in attempt to reclaim the Bell. At WGRE, we like to have fun and we hope you do too. Here is your MONON TOP 10:
1. "Boom Boom Boom" by The Outhere Brothers
2. "Kill Bill Theme Song" by Wu-Tang Clan
3. "Dead Man's Tetris (feat. Captain Murphy & Snoop Dog)" by Flying Lotus
4. "Attak (feat. Danny Brown)" by Rustie
5. "Lazaretto" by Jack White

6. "Can't Do Without You" by Caribou
7. "Monument" by Röyksopp
8. "Busy Earnin'" by JUNGLE.
9. "Left Hand Free" by Alt-J
10. "Water Fountain" by tUnE-yArDs

Tune in to 91.5 WGRE all weekend for Monon coverage and music!