Paying college athletes: Is it worth it?
Over the years, there have been numerous reports of wealthy boosters paying kids to come to their alma mater so that their athletic programs...
To avoid finals chaos, open classrooms
With DePauw's tuition recently surpassing the $50,000 benchmark, students here should have as many amenities available to them as possible. One of these courtesies...
What will your DePauw story be?
My very first opinion article for The DePauw was on homesickness. I was a freshman terrified of college and working very hard...
LETTER: Vandalism to Compton Center chalkboard
Recently, the Compton Center for Peace and Justice displayed three chalkboards on campus with the phrase "Before I Die I Want To/Will..." inviting members...
We asked a few students what they think DSG has accomplished so far this year. Let us know what you think in the comment...
School of Music performances not just for music students
As a College of Liberal Arts student, I hear around campus from my peers that DePauw's School of Music students are not really part...
We asked students what they think of Kal Penn speaking at commencement. Click the graphic to see what they had to say.
Having you here is privilege enough for me
In response to the recent discussions on the social climate of DePauw University, I would like to share my experiences within the context of...
DSG update from president and vice president
DePauw Student Government (DSG) has worked tirelessly on several new initiatives with the collective goal of making DSG more transparent, accessible and effective. The first...
Gender violence at DePauw University: a taboo issue for some
Some of the feminist activism that happens on this campus ostracizes males who would gladly lend what help they can, by accusing them of...