Digital Media: A “Catch 2020”

If you haven’t realized by now, 2020 has been a tumultuous year. As members of the media, our role to inform and connect the...

Why Dr. King Schultz Makes Django Unchained the Best Tarantino Film

“Once Upon A Time In Hollywood” recently left movie theaters, and like many Quentin Tarantino films, it was a polarizing film: you either really...

Missing Life Pre-COVID? Create Your Own in the Sims 4!

COVID-19 and quarantine have ripped us from the grips of the world we were once accustomed to. It thrusted society into a new realm...

Cuts to the University: Letter to the Editor

I want to begin by saying I love DePauw. I am writing today because of how much this university means to me. DePauw bills...

Posse Scholars Voice Opinions at DePauw Led Forum and Tabling

Students from the Posse Scholar Program were invited to attend a forum from 5 to 6 p.m. on May 17th. This forum followed DePauw’s...

U.S./NATO bear primary responsibility for Ukraine Conflict and should end it...

Derek R. Ford:  Every time the U.S. prepares for an open conflict, a bipartisan consensus emerges amongst politicians and their think tanks and mainstream media...

A New Type of Social Distance: Negative Impacts of Social Media...

The brightness of your phone screen and its constant buzzing with new notifications wakes you up, and you find yourself surrounded: the same set...

LTE: Tips for Managing Pre-Election Stress and Anxiety from Counseling Service

Between the current pandemic and the political climate in the United States, stress and anxiety is at an all-time high.  In addition, polarization from...

LTE: IFC and Panhellenic Address Campus Concerns Amid COVID-19

We, the men and women of DePauw University’s Interfraternity Council (IFC) and Panhellenic Association (PHA) have concerns about DePauw University’s COVID-19 regulations and how they affect our members and chapters.

State of the DePauw experience

Dear Depauw/Editor of The Depauw,     Our concern is this: current students, especially those in their first year, are receiving a different experience. DePauw’s motto...