Drag Ball

Photos by Chia-Yu Chuang

E-Edition of the third issue of the 163rd volume of The...

Front page of the third issue of the 163rd volume of The DePauw, Indiana's oldest college newspaper. 

VIDEO: Cheesin'

Cheesin from The DePauw Multimedia on Vimeo. The Cheesin' team makes gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches at campus events. COURTESY OF...

Should there be security cameras in the lobbies and stairways of...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qd45aoU0C_A Campus Living is considering placing security cameras in first-year dorms on DePauw's campus. Find out what first-years think of the proposal.

Peace Camp 2015

Take a look into DePauw's Peace Camp 2k15

President Obama speaks in Indianapolis

President Barack Obama led a town hall at Ivy Tech community college Friday, Feb. 6. He discussed his new budget proposal, which...