E-Edition of the third issue of the 163rd volume of The...

Front page of the third issue of the 163rd volume of The DePauw, Indiana's oldest college newspaper. 

An interview with Deep Cotton

Chuck Lightning and Nate Rocket Wonder, members of the Wondaland Art Society and producers of Janelle Monáe's newest album The Electric Lady (2013), make...

PHOTOS: 126th Monon Bell Classic

A look at the 126th Monon Bell Classic.

VIDEO: The DePauw's Academic Challenge

Take a tour of campus while The DePauw does The Academic Challenge. *The DePauw does not encourage engaging in high risk...

Share your thoughts: Does wellness day look like spring break to...

This year, spring break was divided into five individual days, intended to support student “mental health and restoration,” according to the schoolwide email from...