Senior kick starts new dance company on campus

Senior Andre Williams leads auditions for his new dance company, Company Unspoken. TYLER MURPHY / THE DEPAUW Company Unspoken, a dance...

Being In Your Feelings is OKAY! Keep Drakin’!

For some people, expressing their feelings about sensitive topics like their first love, first date, and first relationship could be one of the hardest...

Inside the lives of DePauw University international students

For first-years, adjusting to college life can be many things. It can be exciting, eye-opening and outright terrifying. But try to imagine what the...

DePauw students bring pediatric cancer awareness to campus

Twenty DePauw students are bringing cancer awareness to the University by working with a clothing brand called Love Your Melon. The club, led by Sophomore...

DePauw Theatre Presents ‘Street Scenes’

Last weekend DePauw Theatre challenged students and Greencastle residents to rethink their expectations of theatrical performance and their role within the community. “Street Scenes”...

Movies with Jeff: Halloween special

It’s hard to find good scary movies these days, or that is my opinion about it, anyway. Typically the films follow their genre...

Making campus a more peaceful place

Wednesday, 1:45 p.m.: I arrived for my first stay at the Russell J. Compton Center for Peace and Justice’s Peace Camp after finishing class...

Let Frankie Cosmos’ Wispy Vocals Sweep You to Space with “Vessel”

I love a good alias. If you count them all up, Greta Kline (best known as Frankie Cosmos) has had eight different stage names...

Bright, bold flavors at Wasser Brewing top Tap House 24

Although Tap House 24 was a much-anticipated addition to the Greencastle square, Wasser Brewing wins my vote for best new restaurant in town. At...

Jazz at the Duck in Full Swing

It’s the season of jazz, and DePauw is in full swing. If school is in session you can count on The Fluttering Duck to...
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