Faces of the D3 Dreams

Questions: Who is your celebrity crush? What is something you never leave the house without? If you could create an app, what would it...

9 Things You Didn’t Know About Golf

The term “Caddy” comes from the French word “le cadet,” which means “youngest child,” according to Keiser University College of Golf. Golf is...

Despite snow, spring ball plows ahead

The DePauw football team is one week into Spring Ball which lasts throughout the month of April. The off-season training sessions consist of practices...

8 Things you didn’t know about baseball

A 90 mph pitch only takes 0.4 seconds to reach home plate, while batters need .25 seconds to see and react to the...

McManus finishes collegiate career with a national title

Topping the list of senior Sam McManus’ favorite swim moments is his recent national title in the 200 yard breaststroke. On March 24, McManus...

Tiger of the Week: Amanda Showalter

Name: Amanda Showalter Hometown: Centerville, OH Grade: First-year Major: undecided, Biology Pre-Med or Pre-Health Position: Singles and Doubles This past weekend, first-year Amanda Showalter and the women’s tennis team...

Faces of D3 Dreams

Questions: What is your favorite new song? What is the weirdest food you have tried? What is your favorite Netflix show? What is your...

On this day in DePauw Athletics history…...

On this day in DePauw Athletics history…... 2004: The women’s golf team led the first round of the Golden Isle Women’s Collegiate Golf Tournament. Their...

Don’t patronize me, coach

Senior soccer player Bridget Brendza spent her last soccer season at DePauw debating whether or not she wanted to quit. “I’ve never hated playing...

Faces of D3 Dreams

Questions: Favorite 90s Jam If you could co-star in any movie, what would it be? Favorite book. Weirdest food you’ve tried. Athletes: Marisa Ellison, Senior Lacrosse ...