Drinking Alcohol is Stupid
Many of you have probably known someone here at DePauw who has experienced alcohol poisoning over the first few weekends of the school year,...
It’s your loss if you don’t go to the career fair
With the next Hubbard Center career fair this afternoon, I highly recommend you attend the event to begin networking with professionals in potential fields...
A defense of the first-year Greek property rule
In last week’s edition of The DePauw, Mary Leonard contributed a critique of DePauw’s prohibition of first-years on Greek property before mid-October. In contrast,...
DePauwlitics: Speed Dating with Donald Trump
The United Nations General Assembly, a global diplomatic organization of 193 countries, meets this week in New York City with their speculative eyes on...
A critique of the no first-years on Greek property rule
Many first-years think the “no first-years allowed on Greek property rule” is unjust for a variety of reasons. I believe it is unjust...
Millennials need to follow local news better
This summer I had the opportunity to work for a small town newspaper where I covered many aspects of local news such as education, local...
“Figures may not lie, but liars figure”
If you’ve taken a statistics class, you may have heard jokes like, “80% of all statistics quoted to prove a point are made...
Make DePauw less trashy
Dear fellow students,
We have a problem with trash.
To be fair, I haven’t noticed the issue as much this year as last year, but I’d...
An argument for having kegs at parties
As a Vice President of a Greek chapter, one of my responsibilities is making sure everyone is safe at our registered parties. As a...
College football is better than the NFL
Football season is just around the corner, and when you’re making your weekend plans, here’s why you should make sure your Saturdays are free...