Off-campus Winter Term too expensive despite high financial-aid priority

I've always dreamed of going abroad. I was the ambitious middle schooler that fought, with little success, to go on an overseas mission trip. I...

Prindle symposiums effective in engaging campus and community

Before the semester winds to a close, we would like to belatedly congratulate the Prindle Institute for Ethics on hosting the wonderful symposium, "The...

Gender violence at DePauw University: a taboo issue for some

Some of the feminist activism that happens on this campus ostracizes males who would gladly lend what help they can, by accusing them of...

Staff turnover unbalances old and new

In the past four and a half years, President Casey has built a foundation of goals for the rest of his years to come. However,...

Soaking in all that is uniquely DePauw

When I start to reflect on my four short years at DePauw, it is difficult to know where to begin. Looking back, I see...

Misogyny Alive and Well on DePauw's Campus

It was 30 degrees outside, at most. I stood outside of a fraternity for my first round of men's recruitment. I tried to dispel...

What will your DePauw story be?

  My very first opinion article for The DePauw was on homesickness. I was a freshman terrified of college and working very hard...

A deal’s a deal — or is it?

From changing the amount of time shared on the iPad to stealing the leftovers in the fridge with your name that supposedly claimed ownership,...