Visit the 2024-2025 Faculty Review webpage for more information about sharing your experience with the Review Committee about any faculty member in 2024-25. You can write to the Faculty Personnel Policy and Review Committee ( or mail your letter to Carol Cox, Academic Affairs, 133 Julian Science & Mathematics Center.

From DePauw to D.C.

  Monday afternoon, Bess Evans '07, David Dietz '11 and Duncan Wolfe '11 returned to campus to discuss from their experience in politics in “From...

BREAKING: Gas leak interrupts class, spurs evacuations

DePauw’s Pulliam Center for Contemporary Media (PCCM) was evacuated following an accident on the south side of campus that left natural gas emptying out of the exposed pipe.

Panel discusses access to public records

The Greencastle League of Women Voters and the Pulliam Center co-sponsored a panel to discuss the issue of public information in “Keeping The Door...

Dairy Castle for Sale

Dairy Castle is on the market. After recently opening for the season, owners Rob and Jane Best listed the local ice cream shop for...

No charges, but changes after September bias incident goes cold

When “H8” followed by the n-word appeared on a Humbert Hall dorm room white board on September 6, 2016, a lengthy investigation followed. However,...

A Night Without Women event aims to bring social change to...

Juniors Saige Huiet and Elizabeth Brunell want to bring awareness about the importance of women on campus by holding an “A Night Without Women”...

DePauw receives new Safe Ride van from Greencastle businessman

After a decade of late nights chauffeuring students around campus, DePauw University’s Safe Ride van was replaced. Greencastle resident Robert York of York Chevrolet...

Dean of School of Music Ayden Adler out, four administrative positions...

Ayden Adler, who had been appointed Dean of the School of Music in July, abruptly vacated her position Tuesday, President Mark McCoy announced...

CEO of TOMS, Jim Alling ‘83, announced to address Class of...

Jim Alling returns to DePauw University to speak at the 178th Commencement in May After graduating from DePauw in 1983, he went on to serve...

Demonstration by Rise Up Greencastle in front of the Greencastle Courthouse...

  Reminiscing on the days they spent protesting the Iraq war in front of the Greencastle Courthouse, Harriet Moore, School of Music professor, and Lucy...