Campus crime

April 10 • Noise-loud music • Made contact with house representation/verbal warning issued | Time: 3:04 p.m. | Place: Sigma Chi fraternity April 11 • Mischief •...

Getting over the hump: Passing the comprehensive exam

Senior Jennifer Behrens celebrated finishing the biggest exam of her college career by going to The Fluttering Duck with her biochemistry professors. But that...

Student government happenings: Candidates preach to empty pews

After over a week of practicing in the mirror and preparing for a strong display of their ability as juniors Charles Pierre and Nicholas...

Snapshot: A 'sweet' gathering

Sophomores Natalie Hill and Katherine Voskoboynik, members of Alpha Chi Omega sorority, select their pieces of cake following the National Panhellenic Council's initiation of...

Snapshot: Swinging for Spring

Freshman Connor Miller watches fellow freshman Hunter Leaman as he swings at a tennis ball during a round of campus golf Wednesday afternoon. Playing...

Snapshot: 22 down, 40 to go

DePauw's landscape superindendent Aaron Slater (center) oversees Warren Maccaroni (right) plant an American Sycamore tree outside Mason Hall Thursday. The tree was the 22nd...

Playboy dubs WGRE coolest station

In this month's Playboy magazine, WGRE's name appears next to a picture of a naked woman. The radio station isn't doing anything inappropriate, but...

Odwalla juice products decrease in size

Students in the Hub have noticed they're getting less Odwalla for their buck in the Hub these days. The $3.39 that used to get students...

Corrections and clarification

The DePauw's track and field story in Tuesday's issue incorrectly stated that freshman Adam Cecil finished eighth in the 1,500-meter run. He placed tenth...

Winter Term off-campus application deadline approaching

Students seeking to study off campus for Winter Term have until before midnight this Wednesday to turn in their applications. DePauw offers 27 off-campus Winter...