DePauw Environmental Club hosts annual Earth Week


This week, DePauw students are invited to get a taste of ways DePauw could be greener. Sunday marked the beginning of Environmental Club's annual Earth Week, and this year's theme is Environmental Justice.

Events are scheduled throughout the week with a different topic focus each day. Topics to be discussed for the remainder of the week include: international conflict, gender, race and the environment, and building sustainable communities.

Thursday will be the busiest day, with numerous events scheduled, including the return of the Earth Week all-campus dinner.

"We'll have Good Eats cookout, which is our annual free-food event for all of campus. We partner with Steve Santos and Dining Services and have local organic food," said Missy! Orr, assistant director of sustainability. The event will serve about 300 people outside the Hub in the evening.

Immediately following the cookout, Julian Agyeman, Chair of the Department of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning at Tufts University will discuss sustainability, equality and community.

"It's awesome to have him here and he talks about ‘just sustainability,'" Orr said. "He's really tying together what the whole purpose of Earth Week is — to tie together the issues of social justice and sustainability and the environmental movement."

Senior Taylor Cantril, a campus sustainability intern, is coordinating Agyeman's visit and hopes his talk will be informative.

"I'm hoping people can learn a little about how urban policy can affect environmental sustainability and social justice issues," he said.

Senior Maggie Baber, also a campus sustainability intern, had a major role in planning this year's week and those in the past as well.

"I've been helping with Earth Week for the last three years," she said. "A lot of my role has been mobilizing people, brainstorming about events, thinking about what the theme means in a broader context."

Baber added that she hopes Earth Week will start a discussion among students that will have a long-term impact on how they think about sustainability.

"I also hope that people start coming to sustainability office hours, because that will mean that people are becoming more interested in Earth Week," said Baber, who works in the Office of Civic Global and Professional Opportunities as an environmental career counselor.

While there are no official co-sponsorships, DePauw Environmental Club still hopes to see representatives from organizations across all of campus.

"My hope is that the Earth Week on environmental justice will start conversation, but start conversation, in spaces and with people that aren't usually talking about it," Orr said.

Full list of Earth Week activities:

Monday, April 18: Climate Change and Energy

What is Just Sustainability?

UB Lobby, 11:30-12:30 pm

Grab some lunch and join us for a causal conversation about some of R. Agyeman's work. if you're interested in specific readings.


"Plan B: Mobilizing to Save Civilization"

Peeler Auditorium, 8:00-10:00 pm

Join us for a showing and discussion of Lester Brown's documentary confronting the realities of climate change and the need to develop new economic and environmental priorities or suffer the consequences of failed political states and lost civilizations.


Tuesday, April 19: International Conflict

Conflict Minerals and E-Waste

Watson Forum, 4:15-5:30 pm

A panel of students and professors will discuss issues of conflict minerals and electronic waste. Come learn more about international conflict and the recently passed student white paper on Conflict Free Electronics.


Wednesday, April 20: Gender, Race, & the Environment

Sustainable Stove Design in the Developing World

Watson Forum, 4:15-5:30 pm

Art Donnelly will speak about his work in Latin America designing and building stoves that benefit women's health by reducing the risks of smoke inhalation.


Do-it-yourself Camp Stove Workshop

Peeler's Ceramics Room, 6:30-9:30 pm

Build your own sustainable stove! Supplies limited to the first 20 people who RSVP, but everyone is welcome to watch! The cost is $10 and can be charged to your student account.


Thursday, April 21: Building Sustainable Communities

Good Eats Cookout!

Hub Patio, 5:30-6:45 pm

Join DEC for a FREE dinner of local and organic foods to celebrate Earth Week! Vegan, vegetarian, and omnivorous options are all available.


Just Sustainability: Re-imagining (e)quality, Living Within Limits

UB Ballroom, 7:00-8:30 pm

Come hear renowned speaker Dr. Agyeman speak about ‘just sustainability, equality, and re-imagining communities of the 21st century.


Friday, April 22: EARTH DAY

UB Ballroom, 11:40-12:20 pm

Report from the General Assembly by the DePauw Environmental Policy Project (DEPP) and Honor Scholars

All are welcome to hear DePauw students report on their spring term informational presentations to the Indiana Legislature and County legislative boards on environmental and redistricting issues. Lunch provided!


Sustainability Advising

11:00-1:00 pm

Still want to talk about issues raised during the week? Miss an event and want to learn more about it? Visit Maggie Baber ‘10 any Friday at the Opportunities Lounge to talk about anythin gsustainability.