Art Union Reclaims DePauw’s Walls

A painting of DePauw’s previous President, Brian Casey, motivational quotes and hundreds of signatures are just a few of the images you will find...

Poll Results: Trending Now

What's trending most in the DePauw bubble?  Ombre Hair 0% (0) The Struggle Bus 33% (4) Bitstrips 8% (1) DePauw Naps 58% (7)

Mold causes concern in DePauw University's Hogate Hall

  A scene from "Mold cases concern in Hoagte Hall,"  a The DePauw Multimedia video by Erin O'Brien. ...

DPU Fencing Club, a look into practice

The DePauw fencing club has been re-founded by junior Carly Pietrzak and sophomore Frank Hu after years of being dormant. The two students wanted...

TDP Videopinion #2

Check out how everyone's fall break went in this second edition of our VideOpinion series, by Morgan Flowers and Tyler...

First Year Firsts: Cycling Class Edition

Boy did that bust my butt! A perfect blend of cardio and calf-kicking, this cycling class offered a more than satisfactory end to my...
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