Visit the 2024-2025 Faculty Review webpage for more information about sharing your experience with the Review Committee about any faculty member in 2024-25. You can write to the Faculty Personnel Policy and Review Committee ( or mail your letter to Carol Cox, Academic Affairs, 133 Julian Science & Mathematics Center.

VIDEO: Coffee taste test compares Starbucks to campus coffee

Taste test compares Starbucks to campus coffee from The DePauw Multimedia on Vimeo.    

VIDEO: Cheesin'

Cheesin from The DePauw Multimedia on Vimeo. The Cheesin' team makes gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches at campus events. COURTESY OF...



E-edition of the eighth issue of the 163rd volume of The...

The front page of the eighth issue of the 163rd volume of The DePauw, Indiana's oldest college newspaper. ...

Mold causes concern in DePauw University's Hogate Hall

  A scene from "Mold cases concern in Hoagte Hall,"  a The DePauw Multimedia video by Erin O'Brien. ...

E-edition of the seventh issue of the 163rd volume of The...

The front of the seventh issue of the 163rd volume of The DePauw,  Indiana's oldest college newspaper. ...