Jeff at the Movies: Christmas Special
With only days left in this semester and the temperature outside quickly falling, Jeff at the Movies is looking towards the holiday season....
WGRE Column
The Music Department of WGRE has experienced the pleasures of an extremely broad range of newly released albums so far this year. From the...
A Tribe Called Quest still kickin’ it with sixth album ‘We...
Just three days after the presidential election, longtime hip-hop group A Tribe Called Quest pertinently released their sixth and final album, “We Got It From Here...Thank You 4 Your Service.”
Administrators, faculty, and students to come together over books
For eight weeks, students will come to class prepared to discuss different influential texts, some ancient, some recent, about what human beings value and have valued throughout history.
Trees felled for Hoover Hall find second life
This wood is currently available to students, carpenters, woodworkers and artists of the DePauw Community.
Film department adds production courses to curriculum
Professor Herbertz wants his students to learn filmmaking skills and also become “thinkers who have purpose behind the content they create.”
Victoria Houghtalen’s work on Clinton campaign not lost, even though her...
Junior Victoria Houghtalen believed fate brought her to work on the Hillary Clinton campaign in Granville, Ohio this semester.
#BlackLivesMatter, the role of technology, and the election aftermath
Less than 24 hours after Donald Trump was declared president-elect, professors of political science, Clarissa Peterson and Emmitt Riley, opened their pre-planned colloquia talk...
‘The Good Person of Szechwan’ to include original music and choreography...
DePauw University’s theatre department is taking a contemporary approach to the “The Good Person of Szechwan” with original music by senior Jerald Parks and original choreography by junior Uriah Brown.
Movies With Jeff: The Mighty Ducks and the Monon Bell
What an exciting weekend to be a DePauw Tiger. For the first time in eight years, the Monon Bell is back in the 765....