Student makes finals for playwright award

A self-proclaimed "theater kid" and student playwright Joan "J.C." Pankratz feels like a winner. Pankratz, a senior English writing major and women's studies minor, has...

The power of listening to music while playing sports: Suggestions from...

Music is an extremely powerful device. Its wonders of changing mood, generating thought and fostering physical state make it a tool unlike any other. Since...

Making a Difference

Sashaying confidently onto the stage, draped in a flowing skirt and accompanying heels, Kyle Smitley approached the podium emanating grace. On her first visit to...

Conservative cap on women must come to an end

It's the best of times and it's the worst of times to be a woman — while legislation such as the Lilly Ledbetter Fair...

Making a debut appearance on national television

The famous television host and comedian, Stephen Colbert, was looking deep into my eyes. His face was filled with loss and desperation. Everything felt...

Ghana's freedom shows us tradition and modernism

Fifty-five years ago today, Ghana (formerly known as the Gold Coast) declared independence from British colonial rule. In doing so, it became the first...

Variety of concerts to be held in venues near campus this...

As second semester kicks in, students now seem to be stuck in an interesting spot. Most seem to be stressing over midterms, busy with...

The Opera

Tonight marks the second of four performances for the student opera production of "Albert Herring," a comedy that both cast members and directors described...

Approach of being mentally, emotionally open to viewing artwork may help...

Andy Warhol once said, "I'm afraid that if you look at a thing long enough, it loses all of its meaning." This thought should not...

Hookups, lavalieres and sweethearts

Nine years ago, Eric Wolfe ‘04, now a greek life coordinator, lavaliered his girlfriend, June ‘04, during their junior year at DePauw. Six years...