When they were young: DePauw University alum profile

Jon Fortt, '98, works as and editor for CNBC. PHOTO COURTESY OF DEPAUW UNIVERSITY Starting as a student editor for The...

DePauw and Wabash couples

COURTESY OF MADISON MCINTYRE  Madi and Dylan 1. How did you meet? We actually met for the first time...

MOVIE REVIEW: Interstellar - Ambition isn't lost

COURTESY OF IMDB In a world where three-minute YouTube videos dominate our attention spans, Christopher Nolan scoffs. In Interstellar, his 9th...

WGRE Monon Playlist

Every year, the DePauw men's football team gears up for one of the longest college football rivalries in history: The Monon Bell. This weekend,...

Professor of the week: Scott Perkins

This week, The DePauw had the chance to sit down with Scott Perkins of the Music Department and get to know his...

ArtsFest comes to a finale with 'To Make You and Me...

Director Kristina Boerger chases a Chamber Singer dressed as an evil teacher. TYLER MURPHY / THE DEPAUW As difficulty as it...

The 13th annual ArtsFest

The first few days of ArtsFest 2014Every year, DePauw University hosts ArtsFest, a week of events focused on creativity, the performing arts and fine...

Movie Review: "The Grand Budapest Hotel"

COURTESY OF THEHUFFINGTONPOST.COM Wes Anderson’s 2014 film “The Grand Budapest Hotel” will be regarded as one of the best films of...

WGRE column: Killer Mike doesn't hold back in third album

Killer Mike and El-P are back to prove that the sophomore slump is a myth. Last summer, the duo known as Run...

Professor of the Week: Joseph Heithaus, professor of English

Professor of English Joseph Heithaus. AUSTIN CANDOR / THE DEPAUW This week, The DePauw had the opportunity to sit down with...
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