Inside the lives of DePauw University international students
For first-years, adjusting to college life can be many things. It can be exciting, eye-opening and outright terrifying. But try to imagine what the...
Spring Breakers: DePauw Edition
First Row: Sarah Edwards, Annie Remack, Andrea Nuñez-Garcia, Mackenzie Jones, Shajaya Martinez. Second Row: Kainat Akmal, Chelsea Naylor, Miriam Montes, MJ Hansen,...
Science trivia challenge attracts students of all sciences
DePauw students take part in Science Trivia in the Julian Atrium on Thursday night. AUSTIN CANDOR / THE DEPAUW On Thursday...
Over 20 new artists added to WGRE music rotation
Over the course of an overcast day post spring break, the WGRE music staff assembled a wealth of musical artists, origins and styles into...
Green Guest Artist Maya Beiser dazzles and confuses during DePauw University...
Cellist Maya Beiser goes no hands as she performs rock music from artists such as AC/DC and Nirvana. Beiser's concert lit up Kresge...
Professor Profile: Alejandro Puga
Alejandro Puga is a Spanish professor in DePauw’s language department and a distinguished harmonica player on the side. This week, The DePauw had the...
DePauw University professor profile: Alejandro Puga
Professor Alejandro Puga and students discuss the play "La casa de Bernarda Alba" by Federico García Lorca during class. PHOTO COURTESY OF DEPAUW...
Art Professor puts on exhibit at Peeler
“I tried to pick the paintings that I completely yet understand,” said professor John Berry when describing his collection of 26 pieces that...
Living Dead in Denmark: When Shakespeare and zombies collide
Juliet (left, Laura Loy) and Lady MacBeth( right, Kate Grimm) kiss for the first time as their romance blossoms. SAM CARAVANA / THE...
Gus Moon comes to Bagos
Gus Moon and the trollkillers performed at Bagos, a non-profit coffee shop on Greencastle's square. NETTIE FINN / THE DEPAUW A...