A royal enragement: Uncovering the deception of “Princess Diaries 2: A...

A queen, a princess, a magic nanny, a nanny running away from Nazis; Julie Andrews has played many roles. Never did I think liar...

God Save the Queen: In Defense of Julie Andrews in Princess...

Dame Julie Andrews has graced film, television and stage throughout her career, doing such with elegance and grace that can only be described...

Stickers or no stickers?

DePauw students compare decorated versus undecorated laptops.

My Big Fat Greek Misunderstanding

Over the weekend, DePauw administration sent out an email regarding “pairings,” which we define as social gatherings between two Greek organizations. The email stated...

Cold enough for you?

Last week, the Midwest was bombarded with freezing temperatures, some areas getting as low as -56 degrees in Minnesota. This was followed up with...

Editorial: Cheers, Jeers and Tears

Cheers to Friday night food trucks Jeers to drunken nights without food Tears to getting too drunk and texting people you shouldn’t   Cheers to Taco Wapo opening Jeers...

Save Santa

“Twas the night before Christmas…” Most of us are familiar with this famous line from the poem “A Visit from Saint Nicholas.” It reminisces...

The enigma of tuition

As of right now, I can’t come back to DePauw next semester. You see, I still owe the school around $3,000, even though my planned...

The Christmas creep: is it really the most wonderful time of...

“These 10 photos show why Black Friday should be banned in the U.S.” “Slowly but surely, the Amazon Prime backlash is coming” “Two men stabbed in...

Letter to the Editor from Professor Rebecca Schindler and colleagues

To Our Faculty Colleagues and President McCoy: We recognize that the Faculty, the Staff, the Administration, and the Board of Trustees of DePauw University are...