TDP Post-It: Thursday, April 15


1. Updates to COVID-19 Regulations

An email sent on Thursday, April 15 by the COVID-19 task force highlights updated COVID-19 regulations. There will be one final round of review of policies that could be considered for potential adjustment after April 28. Starting Friday, April 16, the following changes will be taking place on campus:

  • Students can now host two visitors in their rooms.
  • Informal outdoor gatherings, with masks and distancing, of up to 50 people do not require COVID-19 event pod approval.
    • Events sponsored by a student organization or those that require reservation of University spaces still require registration.
  • Students can use ovens/stoves that are in residence halls.
    • Up to two students at a time can use residence hall kitchens.

2. Updates for Second Mass Vaccination Clinic: Pfizer Vaccine Being Distributed on April 19

After it was announced on Tuesday, April 13 that the Johnson & Johnson vaccine will pause its distribution, DePauw has since been in contact with the Indiana Department of Health and Hendricks Regional Health to make adjustments to the original second mass vaccination clinic, which originally planned to distribute the Johnson & Johnson vaccine on Monday, April 19.

The second mass vaccination clinic will still operate on Monday, April 19, but will instead be distributing the Pfizer vaccine. Pfizer is a two-dose COVID-19 vaccine. The required second dosage of the vaccine will be made available on campus on Monday, May 10.

The form to make appointments can be found here. Priority will be given to students who previously made an appointment for the original second vaccine clinic.

3. Winter Term Fair

The Hubbard Center will be hosting an off-campus study virtual information session on Thursday, April 22 at 4 p.m. via Campus Labs. Information will be provided about winter term 2022 options and more. Students who are interested in engaging in off campus study in the near future are encouraged to attend.