OPINION: Ethical responsibilities of DePauw graduates
Hanebutt is a senior Prindle Intern from Huntington, Indiana. As a member of the graduating class (yes I said it) and...
OPINION: The idea of kegs returning to DePauw is improbable
Jackson Mote is a junior French major from Indianapolis. CHRISTA SCHRODEL / THE DEPAUW Kegs could be brought back but it...
EDITORIAL: Bud Light perpetuates rape culture with latest slogan on bottles
On a campus where partying is quite prevalent, it would be expected that there are DePauw University students that have reached for a Bud...
OPINION: Are legal study drugs still an ethical issue?
Victoria Jennings is a first-year undecided major from Rochester, Indiana. PHOTO COURTESY OF VICTORIA JENNINGS The rampant use of study drugs...
OPINION: Sensational media and the Baltimore protests
Skipper is a sophomore computer science and English literature double major from Gaithersburg, Maryland. PHOTO COURTESY OF LINDA STRIGGO As someone from the...
OPINION: Nepal earthquake - The necessity of impact reduction
Elise Johns is a first-year from Carmel, Indiana. CHRISTA SCHRODEL / THE DEPAUW A plate boundary is a fault between two plates...
EDITORIAL: Obama abandons anger translator when it comes to climate change
This weekend those readying themselves for prom included not only high school students across the nation, but politicians and news anchors, as the White...
OPINION: Blend smoothie bar - a delicious work in progress
Natalie Santiago is a first-year from Chicago. So I just started going to the new smoothie bar at the Lilly Center....