Winter Term proposal lacks student voice

A draft of some startling changes to Winter Term that has surfaced seems to be missing the opinion and needs of a certain group...

Letters to the editor

Hire sustainability leadership A week ago I read an article directed at a concern that has been buzzing around my head since early last December....

From The Prindle Post:

Your birthday, a pet’s name, or the nostalgia of a high school sports number: the composition of our iPhone passwords can seem so simple....

On Moral Relativism

If one loves logic and intellect, then one will also have no problem recognizing and pointing out contradictory statements that are put forward in...

Student media part of a healthy university

  This week University of Portland's student newspaper, The Beacon, was evicted from their campus newsroom. According to a news article from The Beacon, the...

“Gilbert and Sullivan: A Musical Extravaganza!” Review

A DePauw Opera production directed by the guest stage director Cara Consilvio, “Gilbert and Sullivan: A Musical Extravaganza!” premiered on Thursday, Feb. 9, and...

Catastrophe at Sochi

For weeks, the news has been full of predictions that the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia could be the target of a terrorist attack,...

OPINION: Sustainability isn't all negative all the time

I am not oblivious to the fact that when people see my name next to an article, their immediate thought goes something along the...

Donations for repairs more necessary than donations for planned new buildings

Each year DePauw University receives donations for new buildings or projects around campus, and for each large gift given, President Brian Casey announces the...

OPINION: We should all learn from Ferguson

-Whiting is a junior Prindle Intern from Indianapolis -This article is also featured in The Prindle Post PHOTO COURTESY OF DEPAUW.EDU ...