Summer fun without the metro

Now that all my boxes have finally been unpacked, my posters painstakingly hung on the walls and my dresser drawers filled, it's time to...

Don't throw away your shot

Now more than ever, our country finds itself in a precarious state. Taking a look back at the past two years shows us a...


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Be skeptical of the US, not North Korea

The DePauw’s editorial on Korea matched Trump’s ignorance of and hostility toward the country. Evidencing a remarkable lack of knowledge on the matter (even...

LTE: Tips for Managing Pre-Election Stress and Anxiety from Counseling Service

Between the current pandemic and the political climate in the United States, stress and anxiety is at an all-time high.  In addition, polarization from...

Pay attention to democratic violations

"Anwar al-Awlaki: al Qaeda's rock star no more," triumphantly crowed on September 30. That exuberance persists throughout the article: After all, "Al-Awlaki was...

OPINION: Why women should stop apologizing

Annie Skoulis is a senior English writing major from Columbus, Ohio. SAM CARAVANA / THE DEPAUW Imagine yourself walking through the airport...

OPINION: Television overkill coverage of Flight 370 and sinking Sewol Ferry

Turn on CNN. The anchor is most likely dissecting what may have happened to missing Malaysian flight 370 or the ferry that sunk off the...

Social media and employers: If you run, they will find you

I can't pinpoint the exact moment, but there was a point in all of our lives when suddenly everyone started telling us to be...

DePauw's Christmas letter to Santa

Dear Santa, Please enjoy the glass of milk and Kroger cookies. I know what you're thinking: "Why would I drink out of this open container?...