OPINION: The consumers have the power to demand food sustainability

Dixon is a first-year Environmental Fellow from Evansville, Indiana. SAM CARAVANA / THE DEPAUW I recently read an article that the...

OPINION: Environmental issues are moral and ethical issues, yet influenced by...

There’s a quote by the renowned humanitarian worker Paul Farmer that reads, “the idea that some lives matter less is the root of all...

Our Lost Constitution

In the past year, Utah Senator Mike Lee crafted a book defending the values and principles underlying the United States Constitution. In it, Lee delivers...

EdBoardSpeaks: Twisters touch down, remember to be safe

On Sunday, tornados ripped through Arkansas, Mississippi and Alabama. One woman was killed in Mississippi, and local officials in Alabama reported six deaths. Arkansas took...

'The Vow:' Valentine's candy for the heart 'The Vow:' Valentine's candy...

The much-anticipated movie "The Vow" came out on Friday, Feb. 10, just in time for Valentine's Day. The movie stars Channing Tatum ("Step Up")...

God and Objective Truth

In my previous article, I addressed one of the contradictions found in an argument used in the defense of moral relativism. I now move...

Tax Reform: Pro

The current element of the GOP agenda that the Republican-controlled Congress has been pushing for is a major overhaul in the tax code. This...

Recognizing athletes

DePauw's sports teams have again dominated in conference. This time, however, they're breaking new ground. Thanks to field hockey, and men's and women's soccer,...

OPINION: The Posse Plus Retreat - A discussion of "Crime and...

Tolani Verissimo is a junior computer science major from Lagos, Nigeria.  CHRISTA SCHRODEL / THE DEPAUW The Posse Plus Retreat, often referred...

EDITORIAL: The DePauw introduces updated editorial policy

In our April 3 issue, The DePauw published a Letter to the Editor written by one Wayne Lela. Since publishing this letter, we have...