Everyone should give recruitment a try

 Greek life is not for everyone.     Some people love it. They fall in love with their respective fraternity or sorority, and they can’t...

DePauwlitics: Afghanistan, defeating enemies, victory, etc.

 After a summer of many political happenings, it is refreshing to be back in Greencastle writing DePauwlitics again. But unfortunately, while the summer...

Get to know our Editorial Board | Editorial 8/18/2017

Hey everyone! Glad to see you all back or glad to meet you all! We are the new Ed Board of The DePauw...

What is not surprising about Charlottesville

Why are people surprised about what happened in Charlottesville this past week? This type of hatred and bigotry is not new by any...

Take advantage of your summers as a DePauw student

      This past summer I had the privilege of interning with a small technology company called Springbuk located in Indianapolis. I was able to...

Move-in day from the perspective of an upperclassman

Everybody remembers their first move-in day.     Meeting your roommate. Your mom being overly controlling about the arrangement of your room, but you know...

Those who jump to conclusions jump off a cliff

By John Cusumano In last week’s The DePauw, Professor Douglas Harms wrote an article entitled “‘House of Scaife’ Podcast Can Change DePauw’s Date Rape Culture...

DePauwlitics: Hearing Women

  Yesterday, former acting Attorney General Sally Yates testified in front of the Senate Judiciary committee that former National Security Advisor Michael T. Flynn had...

DePauw dies in darkness

I’m still not exactly sure what The DePauw’s former editors saw in an awkward, very much confined to his shell, first-year from small town,...

To the Editor:

I’m writing today in my role as the Director of the Pulliam Center for Contemporary Media and as a faculty member who teaches about...