Letter To The Editor: Let's Honor A Job Well Done
Dear Editor,
Last spring, as part of DePauw's financial restructuring, over 50 staff positions were eliminated, and the people who held these positions, through no...
State of the University: DePauw As We See It
Staff and faculty layoffs. Presidential resignation. Budget cuts. Low enrollment.
Each student hopes the college they have chosen will not only help them grow academically,...
Playing Sports Made My First-Year
When thinking about college, the one thing I knew for sure was that I was not going to give up running.
Call Them By Their Names
I’ve always been very conscious of my name. It’s common, but it’s spelled differently which often leads people to mispronounce it. And I hate...
Stop listening to radical conservatives
In December 2018, The Federalist, a conservative news source, published an opinion blog by cisgender, white gay man Chad Felix Greene titled, “The Stigma...
Cheers, Tears and Jeers to you DePauw Spring 2019
Cheers to campus renovations,
Tears to 56 staff members who lost their jobs,
Jeers to the continuing lack of transparency within DePauw administration.
Cheers to...
Speak freely and grow
On March 21, 2019, President Trump signed an executive order aiming to protect free speech on college campuses. This order requires public institutions of...
Letter to the Editor: We Need To Reframe Sexual Assault
We live in a rape culture where, among other things, victims of sexual violence are frequently blamed for their assaults, and perpetrators are oftentimes...
It’s not all bad, we promise
Finals, finals, finals. We get it, a final over here and a final over there, here’s a final, there’s a final, everywhere’s a final....
Happy Earth, Happy Taste-buds: The Straw Debate, You’re All Wrong
In the April 17th publication of The DePauw the argument was put forward that we should ditch the plastic straw and instead replace them...