An invitation to the men's swim meet

This Wednesday, the DePauw men's swim team will take on Wabash College in our very own Charles P. Erdmann Natatorium at 7 p.m. The...

Speaker programs should bring current decision makers to campus

The vacuous speech of Dr. Ron Paul arose from the institutionalization of professional speakers and endowed speakers' programs. An endowed speakers' program is required to...

Dear First-Years: Some DePauw tips from a senior

First off, congratulations on getting accepted to a great school (the term “great” is contingent on personal measurement) where almost everyone is as welcoming...

OPINION: In defense of the unpalatable: Protection of hate speech

From The Prindle Post On Wednesday, Sept. 3, a group of fundamentalist Christians picketed the DePauw University campus, holding signs decrying the sins...

OPINION: LOL. Seriously?: The Republican Presidential Field

At the last Republican Presidential Primary Debate sponsored by CNBC, Ted Cruz took the opportunity to rip into CNBC and the rest of the...

Website 'kickstarts' innovation

You might say I function best as a cog. I like my routines, and I appreciate the mundane.  But I also love life that...

OPINION: DePauw's partnership with Goodwill

This fall, I became very interested in the concept of being an ethical consumer. I found it fascinating that by buying from second-hands stores,...

Belafonte's speech powerful, no one there to hear it

During my time at DePauw University, I have listened to lectures from esteemed guests such as Leymah Gbowee, Bill Clinton and Ron Paul. But...