Community Standards versus the Lifeline law
On Nov. 14 of last year, DePauw welcomed Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller and Senator Jim Merritt to the Union Building Ballroom. They presented on...
Soaking in all that is uniquely DePauw
When I start to reflect on my four short years at DePauw, it is difficult to know where to begin. Looking back, I see...
OPINION: Why aren’t we calling Andreas Lubitz a terrorist? What makes...
Malcolm Steele is a junior education studies major from Chicago, Illimois. SAM CARAVANA / THE DEPAUW German co-pilot, Andreas Lubitz, according...
Orientation week not necessary for freshman assimilation
During move-in weekend, 611 freshmen arrived at DePauw University expecting a college experience and were instead met by summer camp. On the Monday of orientation,...
From a first-year: the woes of Roy O. West
There I was, in the library sitting on the uncomfortable chair at the crummy desk looking out the dirty window. The air conditioner clanged...
Ron Paul's policy ideas a step in the right direction
Never in my life have I left a room feeling so inspired. Dr. Ron Paul is truly one of America's most inspirational people, especially to...
Watering down Winter Term would alter DePauw experience
DePauw is considering a proposal written by Dr. Larry Stimpert, vice president for academic affairs, that would drastically change Winter Term. Winter Term would be...
Lessons from true wilderness: pursuing widespread joy
This past Winter Term, I spent two and half weeks in Minnesota. I can now confidently say I have experienced true wilderness: flown in...
Upperclassmen get the shaft on housing for $9,000
It's crazy how things can rapidly change at DePauw in a matter of months. Last year, I was an innocent freshman being welcomed to...