Politics and Pandering

With caucuses around the nation and weekly presidential debates before the upcoming election, it is time to start paying attention to the goings-on of...

Photo Opinion: What's The Theme Song To Your Life?

"I Wanna Dance With Somebody Whitney Houston" Emilie Prince, First-year       "Any T-Pain song" Heaven Jackson, Junior            "Boogie Wonderland from the Happy Feet soundtrack" Jasmine Cervantes, Junior  

Saying No To “Grind Culture”

We live in the age of nonstop texts, 6 second videos, short phone calls, and neverending news notifications. If we don’t appear busy, then...

Photo Opinion: Valentine's Day

The temperature is going down into single digits here in Greencastle, and even Valentine’s Day seems to be unable to rise the heat on...

Hot Takes For Your SADurday

You’ve probably heard of Valentine’s Day, but have you heard of SAD? If you haven’t, you’re probably in a relationship. But for you single...

Don’t Make A Ruckus After The Iowa Caucus

One app. One caucus. One huge disaster. The Iowa caucus that took place Monday night exemplified the perils of technology creeping into voting processes...

Photo Opinion: What is Your Opinion on Roy O Not Being...

“I think that everyone has different study habits and it’s impeding those who have a lot of work to do and study late at...

Cheers, Tears, Jeers

Cheers to new VP of Diversity and Inclusion,  Tears to the end of the decade, Jeers to the constant campus construction.    Cheers to winning the Liberty Bell,  Tears...

About Our Monon Prediction

Our prediction that DePauw University would lose the Monon Bell game was met with scorn by many on campus. The DePauw Reporter Jack Woods wrote...

What IS Bell Week?

The hype for Monon builds up all year, but it’s only one football game on one day. As we looked at old issues of...