Students of color protest at family weekend event

As parents filed into the Union Ballroom Saturday morning to listen to an address from President McCoy, approximately 40 students of color joined them....

Students of color to protest at family weekend event

Students of color on DePauw University’s campus have planned a protest at a family weekend event Saturday where President Mark McCoy will speak to...

Campus Inclusion Programs Not as Effective as Hoped

The DePauw University Campus Climate Team took steps last week to build a more inclusive campus environment following the Sept. 4 incident in Humbert Hall

Experts on internet security in China, the United States, and Russia...

The speakers tackled the most difficult questions involving internet freedom

DePauw University No Longer on Top 20 Party Schools List

After six consecutive years on the list, the University has been removed for 2016.

Greek leaders prepare recruitment schedule, 61 students to miss

Student Academic Life has said they are allowing IFC and Panhellenic to create their own schedules for recruitment, as long as it takes place between the new dates.

Leslie Odom Jr. delivers powerful Ubben Lecture

Hours before the first Ubben Lecture of the 2016 school year, students were camped out in the Green Center for Performing Arts

Basement of the Union Building floods due to excessive rain

The basement of the Hubbard Center experienced some water and flooding issues this past week due to sudden storms that provided unusually large amounts...

Students celebrate Eid with the Muslim Student Association

Eid Mubarak is one of the holiest and most important holidays and The Muslim Student Association provided free food for those who attended the event last Friday night.

President McCoy addresses biased incident at faculty meeting

McCoy noted the incident and the community responses have pushed the administration to alter its communication strategy.