Snack time ceases operations
A quick sandwich at Hoover will no longer be an option for those with the afternoon munchies.
DePauw University Dining and Bon Appetit decided to...
Social Media Pro,Carla Knapp, to offer tips
Tomorrow, Oct. 25, the Pulliam Center for Contemporary Media is hosting, as part of the PCCM Workshop Series, a session centering around social media strategies...
Racist word written on Humbert White Board
“A racist word was written on a whiteboard of a white student’s door in Humbert Hall”, wrote Myrna Hernandez, dean of students, in an...
DEPAUWTY’S OVER; binge drinking culture continues to increase
Last weekend, sophomore Lauren White witnessed an incident that has been seen too often on DePauw University’s campus this year: a student being transported...
Another Old Gold in the books
Old Gold is a DePauw University campus tradition that dates back to 1907 when it was used as a way to stop increasingly violent...
Alumni and students celebrate Stewart Plaza dedication
“I walk this path nearly every day and I think of him nearly every time” said President Mark McCoy to alumni and students while...
Lisa Frazier Page’s Human Interest Stories Prompt Discussion on Racial Issues
Connecting with people is a key part of the job for an experienced journalist like Liza Frazier Page. In a lecture to the DePauw...
Vernon Jordan ’57 named 2018 commencement speaker
Civil rights activist and DePauw University alumnus, Vernon Jordan Jr. ‘57, will speak at the DePauw 2017-2018 commencement ceremony.
Jordan is a senior managing...
Panhellenic Association will vote to implement new bylaw Proposed bylaw would...
A Panhellenic Association proposal would hold first-year women accountable for violating the prohibition against visiting Greek property before the established date in the fall...
Yo-Yo Ma and Chicago Civic Orchestra stuns audience
Yo-Yo Ma surprised students and staff at the Campus Farm dinner, on Sept. 29 at Stewart Plaza, a day before he performed at the...