Student government happenings: Senate discusses, aims to improve international-student experience
The Student Senate met Sunday night at a very full table in the Union Buidling's Daseke Boardroom to draft a white paper easing hardships...
Tigers make noise on Twitter
The Union Building ballroom was bustling during the lunch hour Feb. 15. Faculty, staff and students gathered for an open-ended discussion of political uprisings...
At local youth summit, students contribute ideas
Around 40 students, mostly from DePauw, but some youth representatives from Ivy Tech as well, spent Sunday afternoon in Greencastle City Hall discussing the...
Applications down
Fewer students have applied for admission to the university after the application process went all-electronic this year. According to Vice President for Admission and Financial...
President Casey to don cap, gown at Park Tudor School graduation
President Brian Casey will speak at the commencement of Indianapolis's Park Tudor School this June. While Casey does not typically speak at high school graduations,...
State of the School of Music: New dean
During her visit to DePauw, candidate for the dean of school of music Andrea Kalyn asked a roomful of music students if they had...
Corrections and clarifications
In the Feb. 18 issue, the sidebar "A new dining hall and Union Building adjustments," contained an inaccurate reference to two other universities. The...
Spring Ubben - Wikipedia co-founder and expert tech author to debate
The Ubben lecture series will host Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales and Nicholas Carr, author of "The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to Our...
'30 Mosques in 30 Days': Two young Muslims' journey across America
A 13,000-mile road trip visiting mosques across the U.S. didn't tire Aman Ali and Bassam Tariq. The two Muslims delivered an energetic and candid presentation...