Time to restore America?

It is primary (or caucus) season around the country, and millions of Americans are gearing up for the 2012 presidential race. We already know...

Spielberg's at it again with another moving film

Any filmgoer worth his salt knows the characteristics of a Spielberg film — the extraordinariness of the circumstances, the indulgently stylized cinematography, the optimism...

Students get glimpse of inner workings of Super Bowl

Last fall, when current DePauw senior Michael Rardon prepared for his final year, he had already completed his three required Winter Terms. But then...

Art is particular to a culture

Now that everyone is back from their eclectic Winter Terms and settling into the new semester, it is hard to think about anything other...

Mysteries... And Smaller Pieces

  Fri @ 7:30 p..m. Sat @ 7:30 p.m. Sun @ 3:00 p.m. in Moore Theatre   A spotlight shown upon eight pairs of shoes at center stage. The bodies...

Art students put up their work for visitng prof., possible awards

Art students awaiting the Annual Juried Student Art Exhibition will have a suspenseful wait until Thursday, Feb. 9. With their works submitted, the students...

"Extremely Loud" portrays grief, relief in time of tragedy

Film junkies across America have undoubtedly witnessed the brouhaha surrounding "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close." It seems that members of the film community either...

Past music brings nostalgia

On a typical weekday night, I find myself sitting on the second floor of Julian dreading homework. I think of an adequate way to...

Lessons from "The Little Prince"

There comes a heartrending twilight zone somewhere between childhood and adulthood, when adolescents are expected to put aside the books of their formative years...

Christmas tree farm in Greencastle brings holiday cheer

John Zeller has the opportunity to be a part of many different family Christmases. His business, Snowy Pines Nursery and Christmas Tree Farm, can be...