"Fruitvale Station" puts police violence on camera
Ashely Square Cinema screened "Fruitvale Station" last Monday, an award winning film that claimed a Sundance Film Festival grand jury prize and the Audience...
DePauw University seniors start a line of organic lotions, Simplicity
After spending the semester in Costa Rica, falsely labeled organic lotions and expensive correctly-labeled organic lotions rubbed DePauw University senior Caitlyn Hammack the wrong...
Lollapalooza predictions for summer 2014
Like the beginning of a frigid boulder run, 2014 is off to a rapid start. As most may know, though, there are incessant stretches...
The Green Isle comes to DePauw University
If the opportunity to study abroad wasn't on the table for you this year, you can get a look at Ireland right here on...
iTunes' new up-and-coming artist of 2014: Jetta
Up-and-coming music artist Jetta has recently taken the industry by storm. Jetta grew up in Liverpool, England and was introduced to the music world...
Phantogram's sophomore album shows longtime friendship of members
Some albums draw you in with an interesting album cover, some with an interesting title, but the best way to catch a listener's ear...
Get up, get out, get active: spring break's coming
In two weeks it'll be time to pack away the textbooks and pull out the bikinis. Spring break is coming! Students all over campus are...
Professor of the week:Sherry Mou
You selected Sherry Mou as Professor of the Week based on votes from an online poll at thedepauw.com. The DePauw Features sat down with...
Faith engages DePauw University during Faith Week
The Center for Spiritual Life dubbed this week Faith Week and dedicated it to the impact faith has (or doesn't have) on our lives. The...
An 18th century operatic success in a modern-day mayor's office
This weekend's performance of "The Secret Gardener" provided an opera full of drama, vanity and love. To give a general overview for those of you...