Time to grow up

I'm a proud DePauw graduate from the class of 2010, but today I have to feel a bit ashamed of the place I spent...

U.B. concert

This letter is in response to Tuesday's article and editorial about the Union Board concert. We are writing to clarify that the fall concert...

Professor ratings not always on target

Now that it's course scheduling season, an inevitable part of this process is the informal method of gleaning the caliber of potential professors from...

Stop hate, build community

Reported cases of sexual assault have risen over the last three years. We hope this is due to an increased use of advocate resources...

Website 'kickstarts' innovation

You might say I function best as a cog. I like my routines, and I appreciate the mundane.  But I also love life that...

Impacting change without protest

Last Wednesday, I received an email from a friend calling people to attend a version of Occupy Wall Street in Indianapolis.  For those who have...

High costs warrant better planning

DePauw has played host to some impressive musical talents over the last decades. Dave Matthews, Black Eyed Peas, Lupe Fiasco and, of course, Yo-Yo Ma...

'Fresh Start' may not be taken

This fall, everyone has a fresh start — or at least the opportunity for one. The university has implemented the ‘Fresh Start' program for all...