U.B. concert


This letter is in response to Tuesday's article and editorial about the Union Board concert. We are writing to clarify that the fall concert is for students and coordinated by students. This concert was made possible when additional funds became available through the DePauw student government allocations board. The allocations board is run by students and does its best to allocate all student activity fee money to student organizations to spend each semester. Funding for the fall concert does not impact budget proposals for a spring concert. 

In no way was Union Board displeased with the opportunity to put on a fall concert nor did the university require us to do so. On the contrary, we were ecstatic to have the opportunity to serve the student body by bringing these excellent artists to DePauw. 

Since the concert will be held on Old Gold Weekend, Union Board felt it would be great to bring back some DePauw alums to perform. Union Board is proud to present Chiddy Bang, Fedel and AudioDax for the fall concert.  Union Board is confident that these carefully chosen artists will put on a great show for the DePauw community. 

Peter Haigh,

Union Board co-president

Uzoma Oluka

Union Board adviser