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WGRE Guest Column: Dreamy duo

WGRE Guest Column: Dreamy duo

Equal parts alluring and dreamy, Beach House released their new studio album, "Depression Cherry", on August 28.

Sticking to their formula of simple ingredients, with a couple of keyboards, an electric guitar and the captivating voice of Victoria Legend, Beach House continues the nostalgic, faraway sound that they’re known for, and they do it well. If you were to consider the group to be a long-term musical project, it’s easy to see they’re doing what they set out to accomplish, and like any test of time—like a fine wine—they are aging well.

In a Pitchfork review, Beach House guitarist Alex Scally said, “Trance is a big part of our thing… We’ll repeat a part for three hours while we wait for the next piece to fall into place.” You can hear these almost-imperceptible moments happen, almost uncomfortably satisfying; it clicks along from song to song, especially in standout tracks like “Sparks”, and “Levitation.”

Seeing this happen live is even more of a treat. Legend never fails to continue on the chord root or fifth, with one hand rooting the song down on the keyboard, as the guitar layers on top. This drone is, and always has been, famous in their work, an omnipresent sense of grounded-ness that creates a dreamy vibe for the listeners.

In a way that I always find remarkable, Beach House consistently is one step ahead of what we expect. They speak to us in a way that lingers—much as their music lingers, it would be unfair to call any of their work sad. In a wonderfully somber, almost melancholy way, Beach House consistently delivers exactly what their fans want. Equal parts distinct and desirable, this duo proves time and time again that they know exactly what is expected of them. In a way, they almost fill a niche of sorts. Dreamy and melancholy, nostalgic and echoing, both Legend and Scally once again produce a solid body of work that caters exactly to what we want.

I can say with near certainty; Beach House never fails to meet my expectations. I’m quite excited to see how the duo will progress in the future, and in my humble opinion, I’d like to give this album an 8/10. If you can find the time, listen to the entire album without interruptions. You won’t regret it.

Essential Tracks:
