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Two Students Face Charges In Minor In Consumption Case

Two Students Face Charges In Minor In Consumption Case

This story was updated on Feb. 11 at 9:50 p.m.

The recent arrest of two DePauw students for providing alcohol to a minor has drawn media attention, but Alan Hill, vice president for student academic life, says that all illegal student activity is investigated and sent to the county prosecutor.

“All we’re doing is collecting the information. The prosecutor decides if they have enough,” Hill said.

Katherine Fredrick and Robin Hutton, both 21, were charged last week with providing alcohol to Gunter Jaeger, 20. He was hospitalized with a blood alcohol content of .471. The incident occurred at a waiter appreciation dinner Nov. 29 at Alpha Tau Omega.

Fredrick has a trial date of April 22 and Hutton’s trial date is April 29.

Two weeks ago, when The DePauw spoke with Myrna Hernandez, dean of students, about the incident, Hernandez said, “It was really very scary, life-threatening levels. We are very lucky this did not turn into a tragedy.”

According to the affidavit, Jaeger was unconscious in the front passenger seat of a vehicle parked behind the house when ambulances arrived. He had been drinking alcohol purchased by sorority members at a pre-party at ATO before being taken to Kappa Alpha Theta for dinner. When members of the sorority realized how intoxicated Jaeger was, they drove him back to ATO.

Court records show that Jaeger was previously charged by the Putnam County Prosecutor’s Office with illegal consumption of an alcoholic beverage in February of 2018.

Kappa Alpha Theta and Alpha Tau Omega are still suspended pending a decision on their community standards case.

On fraternity bid night, Saturday, Jan. 26, two minor in consumption hospitalizations occurred at Phi Delta Theta and Phi Kappa Psi. It is unknown if the alcohol was served by Phi Delta Theta and Phi Kappa Psi.