- Violation of University Directives Clarification
The Crime and Fire Log references a type of activity called “Violation of University Directives.” There have been five instances since Sept. 6. Assistant Director of Community Standards, Kelsey Wetli said the Code of Conduct on page 13 of the Student Handbook highlights expectations of students, including COVID health and safety requirements. Pages 14-28 [of the student handbook] let students read about the Community Standards process. Wetli also said she was happy to report that there have not been a large number of COVID health and safety requirements related incidents that required Community Standards action.
2. Community Standards Clarification
The Crime Log and Fire Log also repeatedly references a disposition called “Forwarded to the Community Standards Committee.” Assistant Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life Daylon Weddle said community standards charges may include but are not limited to “participating or sponsoring drinking games or drinking contests,” or “consuming alcohol in the vicinity of any University-owned property or Greek housing unit.” Students on Greek property are mandated under the same COVID-19 guidelines as non-Greek students.
3. Sustainability Leadership Program opportunities
The Sustainability Leadership Program, supported by the Environmental Fellows Program and the Hubbard Center for Student Engagement, is offering paid and non-paid opportunities for students on campus. Students will be challenged weekly, directing their efforts primarily on the environment. For more information on the Sustainability Leadership, click here or email clairedorner@depauw.edu.