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Tiger Advice: Navigating DePauw’s Jungle #6

Dear Zoe,  How do I write emails to professors? What’s too casual and too formal? -Jason Hey, Jason! I try to use a consistent formula for...

Tiger Advice: Navigating DePauw’s Jungle #5

Dear Zoe, How can I better divide my weekend between productivity and fun? -Cat Hi Cat! This is such a great question, since the majority of...

Tiger Advice: Navigating DePauw’s Jungle #4

Dear Zoe,  How do I learn how to write better and hate writing less? I don’t always mind doing it, but I dread getting started....

Tiger Advice: Navigating DePauw’s Jungle #3

Dear Zoe,  How do I stay motivated to do my readings for class, even when my professor doesn’t discuss them later on? -John This is such...

Dear Danny... Sincerely, Stressed Out

My classes and clubs have been stacking up over the past few weeks. I’m having a difficult time taking time for myself and I might...

Ask Room 15

Room 15 is your bi-weekly advice column, answering anonymous students problems since 2017. Type out your dilemma to features@thedepauw.com, hit send, and we’ll take...