Dear Danny... Sincerely, Stressed Out


My classes and clubs have been stacking up over the past few weeks. I’m having a

difficult time taking time for myself and I might even have depression. I’ve heard of the

counseling center on campus. I’m worried it’ll cost or not work for me. I’m unsure what

resources are available for me as a college student. What should I do?



Stressed Out


Dear Stressed Out,

Totally understandable! The semester is finally getting settled in so it’s natural that your

commitments are piling up. As things are building up, identifying your priorities might be

useful. Understanding what you can and can’t do with the time you have is vital when

becoming busy.

While it’s important to get all your commitments worked through, make sure to take time

for yourself. Your body’s mental health is very important, so find time in the day for little

moments to care for yourself. This may look like a walk across campus

jamming out to music or watching the latest “Love is Blind” episode on Netflix. Whether

it’s 2 minutes or 2 hours, self-care is vital!

One form of self-care is therapy! Counseling Services is located on Lilly floor 2.

For easy access, you can enter through the doors near Freshman Quad, walk up the

stairs, and follow the hall until you reach them on your right. Malorie McGee is the

Mental Health and Wellness Educator at the Counseling Services! Here’s what she has

to say:

“DePauw’s Counseling Services are first and foremost FREE to all DePauw students! If

you’re evening thinking about starting your journey in therapy, our counseling services

starts with an intake session. An intake session is used to learn about you, where you’re

at mentally, and if you have any therapy experience. To schedule an appointment, you

can email or call at (765) 658-4268. We also offer

Emergency Hours Monday through Friday, from 11am – 3pm. During this time, feel free

to walk into the Counseling Services to receive immediate care. If In-Person Therapy

seems daunting, DePauw offers their students access to WellTrack, an interactive self-

help therapy app. Fill in your information with your DePauw email and you’re good to


While therapy can be a daunting step in your mental health life, it can help build your

self-care toolkit, learn more about yourself, and might even bring you happiness. I’ll

leave with you this advice; make those tough choices, change your routine when things

become dull, do more for yourself this year. You are the first person to make a

difference in your life!


Good luck out there,
