Sing along with the 12 Days of DePauw Christmas

On the twelfth day of Christmas DePauw gave to me… 12 Betas caroling
On the eleventh day of Christmas DePauw gave to me… 11 tears shed
On the tenth day of Christmas DePauw gave to me… 10 shows on Netflix
On the ninth day of Christmas DePauw gave to me… 9 peppermint patties
On the eighth day of Christmas DePauw gave to me… 8 shots of espresso
On the seventh day of Christmas DePauw gave to me…. 7 holiday cups
On the sixth day of Christmas DePauw gave to me… 6 ugly Christmas sweaters
On the fifth day of Christmas DePauw gave to me… 5 fraternity parties
On the fourth day of Christmas DePauw gave to me… 4 final exams
On the third day of Christmas DePauw gave to me… 3 all-nighters
On the second day of Christmas DePauw gave to me… 2 holiday acapella concerts
On the first day of Christmas DePauw gave to me… One giant tree