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How's It Taste? Hoover Photo Reviews

“The small stuff like fresh fruit every day is really nice because I take advantage of that at all meals. I guess the pizza is okay. I do eat that normally. Clearly.” - Inaara Sultanali ‘23

Inaara Sultanali ‘23 chillin at Hoov with some pizza and fruit

“I tried jackfruit today…didn’t really like it. I wasn’t digging it too much. But the pizza is pretty consistently good.” - Marc Yanez ‘23

Marc Yanez '23 digging some Hoov pizza after having an unsatisfactory  experience with jack-fruit

“I would say they have a pretty good amount of options. Lately I haven't seen many (gluten-free)  desserts, but in the beginning of the semester, it was great” - Olivia Perez ‘23

Olivia Perez '23 enjoys some gluten free pasta




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