Gus Moon and the trollkillers performed at Bagos, a
non-profit coffee shop on Greencastle's square.
A study space where classmates and friends can come together to enjoy coffee and live music—sound too good to be true? That’s the atmosphere local coffee shop Bagos is trying to provide to DePauw University students and the Greencastle community.
On Wed. March 11 at 7:30 p.m. Bagos hosted local bands Gus Moon and trollkiller on the Greencastle Square.
Gus Moon was the feature band, and trollkiller is a new spinoff project comprised of the Gus Moon members under a different name with a separate music style. Gus Moon is a local band from Bainbridge, Indiana. They identify their music style as folk, acoustic and rock, and have performed at DePauw before.
On their official band site (gusmoon.com) their shows are described as, “some sort of balance… between darkness and light.” The venue is a large room with a handful of lamps and string lighting; this emphasized the balance Gus Moon was trying to achieve.
The band was enthusiastic to perform the song “Without Me” from their E.P., "Splendid Moon," about a relationship between two people who are not meant for one another. You can find Gus Moon’s music on Spotify.
Bagos owner Hope Jordan always encourages bands to come in and play.
“We are a creative arts center open to the community, so our doors are open for many kinds of events,” said Jordan. “When our property manager, Jeremy Black, had Rockology and Gus Moon perform one night, Dennis Furr [from Gus Moon] approached me about having their own performance slot and we have loved hosting them.”
Events like the one Wednesday evening benefit Bagos in different ways.
“People purchase coffee and baked goods at the events, but we are a non-profit so we are not in it for the money," said Jordan. “Rather [we are in it for] the faith and arts community that is being created.”
Other events coming up for the coffee shop include what is essentially an open mic nights on the first Wednesday of every month hosted by Jeremy Black from 7-9 p.m., Coffee & Christ every Tuesday from 9-10 p.m., Drum circle every Wednesday night at 9 p.m. and Student Arts Council open mic nights every other Thursday from 7-9 p.m.
Their biggest event since the opening of the space will take place on April 3 in conjunction with the First Friday on the square. The event will showcase several bands and an auction from 5-10 p.m. that evening.
Gus Moon and trollkiller will be playing again at Bagos the third Wednesday of every month. Their next event will be on April 15 at 7:30 p.m.