Emma Ruano

Emma Ruano '20
Emma Ruano '20

“I’m really passionate about everything I do. I am a generally passionate person so I tend to put all of my energy into what I am doing whether it’s communicating with my friends, schoolwork, I am genuinely passionate about everything. Recently I did a project back home in Chicago where I live and it was about learning about my DNA and decolonizing DNA because we need that right now. It was really interesting to see where my DNA was from. I still look at my DNA results because now my family is doing the DNA tests, it’s really great. Most of my DNA is Native American and indigenous and East Asian and most of that comes from El Salvador where my family is from. What’s interesting too is that most of my DNA was unassigned which means that it didn’t have a correct place for them to put it which was interesting. ‘I was like where is that DNA from, why is it so special?’ We also got to present because the organization that I did it through was the Logan Square Neighborhood Association which my dad is on the board and making moves there so it was nice for us to work on something together.”