Preparing for a fully in-person, residential experience in the fall, DePauw’s Campus Restart Team released updates to campus policies, which are in accordance with CDC guidelines, in an email sent to students on June 23.
Despite the mask mandate lifted in Putnam County and the COVID-19 Vaccine requirement on campus, current masking policies remain-- indoor masking will still be required, outdoor masking is not required for those who are fully vaccinated unless they are in groups of 50 or more, etc. More updates will be released mid-July and early August, which will further address and possibly update masking policies.
Other updates include the following:
Inter-residence visitation: Students may now visit other students in any University-approved living unit. DePauw will revoke the original inter-residence visitation policy put in place for the 2020-2021 school year, which prevented students from visiting living units that are not their own, as well as the revised policy, which allowed one visitor per student.
Classroom spacing: For the upcoming fall 2021 semester, DePauw will not require extra physical distancing in classrooms or other educational spaces. When possible, about 10% of the seats in each classroom or educational space will be available for extra distancing arrangements when needed. Additional information will be shared with faculty so they can plan enrollment limits for their courses accordingly.
Off-Campus Guests on Campus: For the upcoming fall 2021 semester, DePauw will revoke the 2020 Off-Campus Guests on Campus policy. ‘Guest’ refers to any non-DePauw community member who is present on University premises or at a University-sponsored activity. All guests must follow the current campus guidelines at time of their visit, including wearing a mask at all times and keeping a six feet physical distance from DePauw employees and students. Read more here.
Off Campus Study: Fall 2021 Off-Campus International Study opportunities for students will be moving forward. Restrictions based on The US State Department Travel Alert ranking system and current travel limitations will apply. Additional details are available by contacting Mandy Brookins at the Hubbard Center for Student Engagement.